Arnold M., Gibbs M., Kohn T., Meese J., Nansen B. (2018). Death and Digital Media. Routledge, London Death and Digital Media provides a critical overview of how people mourn, commemorate and interact with the dead through digital media. It map [...]

Mayer-Schönberger V. (2013). Delete. Il diritto all’oblio nell’era digitale. Egea, Milano Per millenni nel corso della storia umana dimenticare è stata la norma, e ricordare l'eccezione. Ma l'era digitale ha cambiato questo rapporto, creando u [...]

Moreman C. M., Lewis A. D. (2014). Digital Death: Mortality and Beyond in the Online Age. Praeger This fascinating work explores the meaning of death in the digital age, showing readers the new ways digital technology allows humans to approach [...]

Maciel C., Pereira Carvalho V. (2013). Digital Legacy and Interaction. Post-Mortem Issues. Springer, New York The views of leading researchers on the emerging topic of post-mortem digital legacy and posthumous interaction are explored in this [...]

Ziccardi G. (2017). Il libro digitale dei morti. Memoria, lutto, eternità e oblio nell’era dei social network . UTET Il primo libro al mondo che ci racconta le conseguenze future della nostra vita digitale. Se Internet, Facebook, Twitter, What [...]

Sisto D. (2018). La morte si fa social. Immortalità, memoria e lutto nell’epoca della cultura digitale. Bollati Boringhieri, Torino La morte non esiste più. Allo stesso tempo, però, viviamo costantemente circondati dai morti. Relegata lontano [...]

Garde-Hansen J., Hoskins A.,Reading A, (2019). Save As ... Digital Memories. Palgrave MacMillan, New York This groundbreaking and truly interdisciplinary collection of essays examines how digital media technologies require us to rethink establ [...]

Carroll E., Romano J. (2011). Your Digital Afterlife. When Facebook, Flickr and Twitter Are Your Estate, What’s Your Legacy?, New Riders, Berkeley (CA) Almost without realizing it, we have shifted toward an all-digital culture. Future heirloom [...]

Steinhart E. (2014). Your Digital Afterlives: Computational Theories of Life after Death. Palgrave Macmillan, New York Digitalism is a philosophical strategy that uses new computational ways of thinking to develop naturalistic but meaningful w [...]